Upgrade Your Sex Life Now

What People Are Saying

We're always happy to receive your feedback on our courses and read your suggestions.


“I found The Sexfulness website. I wasn’t really into online education but I decided to give it a try because they offer courses for men. It turned out their techniques are so effective… When I tried out one of the sits, my wife achieved multiple orgasms. And now I always use various techniques to satisfy her. I see that she loves sex with me again. I think TheSexfulness.com is the best choice for couples who want to get back their passion and intimacy. This platform really gave us a chance to rekindle our love life.”

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Upgrade Your Sex Life Now

"I practiced new skills on 3 partners, and literally every one of them was as satisfied and happy as he could possibly be!" 

Hello Team Sexfulness,

For me, giving perfect blowjobs has always been vital as I'm an absolute perfectionist in my sex life, my career etc., just in all areas. I really want to be a perfect lover, the best one in my partner's life. It makes me feel confident and attractive.

I never got any complaints about my oral skills, but I wanted to perform blowjobs like a master and be able to drive a man crazy.

I looked through many oral sex courses and finally picked the Sexfulness because your school has so many useful courses for a reasonable price. For me, it was a 100% valuable investment! I learned really cool oral techniques, and the instructors answered my questions quickly. I practiced new skills on 3 partners, and literally, every one of them was as satisfied and happy as he could possibly be! The tutorials work 100%.

Wish you all the best,


"Now, I am in my mid 50s, and enjoying a happy and fulfilling relationship with my husband..." 

Dear Sexfulness, 

You’re doing a very important job! I see that the information you give to your audience is accurate and really effective. I began to watch your courses as my self-confident, skeptical, cynical self who  believed that she was a sex guru.

Honestly, I thought I’d quickly find a reason to cancel my subscription, but... After my free trial was over, I ended up paying for a year subscription because your lessons gave me so much practical knowledge from the very beginning!

And I really enjoy reading your emails and watching your YouTube channel! What else can I say?

Now, I am in my mid 50s, and enjoying a happy and fulfilling relationship with my husband because we’re following your advice about experiments in bed and trying out new techniques. It’s wonderful to be older and wiser, taking it nice and easy. And be my happiest self!

Keep working on your school - it’s great! I am a big Sexfulness fan.

"I’m at the stage where I love myself and I’m REALLY excited about my romantic life." 

Hey there, 

I was so happy to bump into your school! I feel I’m ready for the hottest sex in my life. I don’t wanna go into details but I’d like to express my gratitude!

After taking your courses and working on my attitude to myself and sex in general, I’m finally happy with my relationship, and I have no doubt that I’m an attractive and sexy woman. I’m at the stage where I love myself and I’m REALLY excited about my romantic life.

Oh, what comes as a surprise to me is that I LOVE anal sex! It sounds so ridiculous for me bcs I’ve thought anal sex is extremely unplesant for women. In reality, it can be so enjoyable if you use the right techniques and the right lube. My boyfriend is extremely happy, too (he loves anal sex and is always excited to trying it and trying something new).

Thank you, The Sexfulness, for your lessons and your mindful guidance.


“My husband doesn’t really believe in the effectiveness of sex coaches and online classes. I was able to convince him! When I tried some minor sex techniques on him, he came like never before and was so shocked that I could give him such pleasure. I don’t have to convince him again. He watched some online courses and he tried some courses for me and gave me amazing cunnilingus. And now I enjoy sex like I’m 20 again. Now, we are happy in our relationship and I think we’ll be happy in years to come!”

"We both watched your courses and now I'm sure that we’re 100% sexually compatible." 

Dear Elixir Team, I fall in love with your courses INSTANTLY!

I subscribed to your school because I experienced some problems in bed.

I love my man so much and I’m very, very happy to have such a wonderful person to be with in my life. But I noticed that we didn’t feel each other very well in bed. We couldn’t satisfy each other to the fullest.

But thanks to your courses on lingam massage and female arousal, we figured this out!

Yes, we both watched your courses and now I'm sure that we’re 100% sexually compatible. We know for sure how to bring bright orgasms to each other. We’ve known and loved each other for so many years, and seeing that I can please my partner in such a way is...just incredible.

Your lessons changed my life, thank you!


"I went to sex coaches who didn’t help much… But your school did!" 

Hi Guys, hope you’ll receive this email.

I’m 27 and I subscribed to your website last week and I must tell you that I learned a lot from you.

I am glad that I bumped into your school. I had serious intimate problems which negatively affected my sex life. I thought that I was frigid because I can’t achieve orgasm.

I went to sex coaches who didn’t help much… But your school did! Together with my current bf we watched all of your courses. And I’m so grateful that you cover this issue in your lessons.

Now, I have a fulfilling sex life and can achieve orgasms every time I have sex! What could be better?  I know I will be happy for the rest of my life because I’ve overcome this issue (which I never thought was possible). Thank you!



"he was so happy, so passionate, so nice to me and even apologized for not treating me as I deserved when I was with him!!!! I feel super confident and positive now"

Hey there!

Your course on oral sex is amazing, i luv it with all my heart!!! Just wow!!!! So many useful exercises and tips oh my gosh
I have sex with my ex-husband from time to time, and recently I applied some of your techniques on him. The result was unbelievable for me as he was so happy, so passionate, so nice to me and even apologized for not treating me as I deserved when we were together!!!  I feel super confident and positive now. I think your lessons can help me deal with my depressive thoughts as I really believe that I can be a happier, sexier, more easy-going lover with all the things I've learned! It makes me feel so excited about life! Thank you!!!


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Upgrade Your Sex Life Now

Say hi to mind-blowing orgasms and awesome sex

Explore 175+ bite-sized videos of practical, juicy pleasure techniques that absolutely anyone can use to become a confident, amazing lover.

Bye-bye, mediocre sex.

Special offer: 14-day All-Access Pass
for $1 only!

Upgrade Your Sex Life Now

Tired of mediocre sex? So are we.

It’s a fact: most sex is terrible. Most people are dreadfully dissatisfied with their sex life. And the real reason? 99% of people have no idea what to do in bed, or even about what they like. We put the blame squarely on cultural taboos around sex and the lack of sexual education for this.

Tired of mediocre sex? So are we.

It’s a fact: most sex is terrible. Most people are dreadfully dissatisfied with their sex life. And the real reason? 99% of people have no idea what to do in bed, or even about what they like. We put the blame squarely on cultural taboos around sex and the lack of sexual education for this.

Truth is, anyone can become an amazing lover.

You’re not destined to have bad sex forever. What you don’t know can be learned. As pro sexologists, we know the secrets of pleasure are rooted in biology and psychology… and we can teach you how to push all the right buttons. 

Here at Sexfulness, we take a stand against lackluster, boring sex.

Truth is, anyone can become an amazing lover.

You’re not destined to have bad sex forever. What you don’t know can be learned. As pro sexologists, we know the secrets of pleasure are rooted in biology and psychology… and we can teach you how to push all the right buttons. 

Here at Sexfulness, we take a stand against lackluster, boring sex.

Sexfulness is the sex improvement platform to revolutionize your love life


Across 175+ practical bite-sized videos, our courses teach everything you need to know to go from mediocre sex to earth-shattering orgasms.


Our content is created by a team of 12 professional sexologists, and we know that what we teach really works because it’s based on data collected from 5700 real people, not “theories”.


Whether you are a man or a woman, single or in a long-term relationship, and whatever age you are… Sexfulness can transform your sex life forever. Guaranteed.


We teach practical pleasure techniques that you can use to have mind-blowing sex, not theory. We also use toys to demonstrate, so there is no explicit content.

Start your Sexfulness now
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14-day All-Access Pass for $1 only

Upgrade Your Sex Life Now

For women who want great sex…

  • Understand the psychology of men: what men really want, how to surprise them, and how to turn your man on to give him unforgettable sexual experiences.

  • The full guide to your own sexuality. Finally learn to feel confident in bed, start enjoying sex more, resolve painful issues, communicate your desires effectively, and experience mind-blowing orgasms!

  • Learn the secrets of handjobs, blowjobs, Lingam massages, prostate stimulation, and more... and become the sex goddess every man fantasizes about.

For men who want great sex…

  • Learn everything about your woman’s sexual psychology. What turns her on, what awakens her “wild side”, what she’s really looking for in bed, and how to leverage all that to give her the experience of a lifetime… and have her come back for more.

  • Woman’s orgasms, demystified: crack the code of why exactly so many men have such a hard time giving orgasms to their partner — and how to be the exception, every time.

  • The full expert cunnilingus guide with all the secrets to giving amazing oral sex experiences (and enjoy it yourself!) even if you were bad at it until now.

For couples who want great sex…

  • Preventing your couple’s sex life from becoming stale or a “marital duty”... and turning the excitement back on with passionate, fulfilling, better (and more!) sex.

  • How to use sex to make your couple even stronger: open, honest communication, deeper connection, and intimacy, inspire lasting love and unbreakable commitment… and of course, enjoy sex more!

  • In-depth guides to new sexual experiences to try: from anal to prostate stimulation to Lingam massages to advance oral, everything you need to spice up the bedroom.

For anyone who wants great sex...

  • Courses built by professionals on how enjoy the complete, mind-blowing sex life you deserve with your partner. No matter your biological sex, sexual preferences, and gender identification. 

  • The secrets of experiencing earth-shattering anal orgasms with your partner. Everything from how to prepare for it, to the anatomy you need to know, to the best foreplay and sex tips.

  • Techniques and ideas you can use to create magical experiences beyond traditional sex — including guides to prostate stimulation, sexual massage techniques, and full guides to oral for female and male body types.

Get access to all that with Sexfulness’ All-Access Pass

The All-Access Pass is your Elixir subscription, giving access to our content and new monthly courses.

Full access to dozens of courses in 175+ bite-sized practical video tutorials, choke-full of practical pleasure techniques, and secret tips!

New monthly content! Every month we release 20+ video tutorials about the topics our members care about the most.

Additional resources including 25+ articles and quizzes, 35+ downloadable PDF resources, and more.

No explicit content. We use anatomically accurate sex toys to demonstrate techniques, avoiding explicit images and useless drawings. 

Completely anonymous. We understand ours is sensitive content and we take your privacy extremely seriously.

Instant access. You’ll get instant access to the library, from any platform including desktop and mobile devices. 


Imagine your love life a few weeks from now...


You have gone from feeling the humiliation of knowing you’re not satisfying your partner in bed...

...to hearing their mind-shattering orgasm(s) and then “omg, that was the best sex of my life”!

You have gotten rid of all the hangups and insecurities that prevent you from truly enjoying sex…

...and instead, you are confident with your skills and your own body. That seeps out in your daily life — people say you’re a whole new person. 

The stale, boring, unexciting sex life you have had for years is now long gone…

...and now your partner doesn’t seem to get enough of you, and they absolutely worship you for it.

How would all that feel?

Don’t miss out on the sex of your dreams. Right now, for ONLY a limited time, you can get access to your Sexfulness trial for only $5. This special offer will never be available again…

Start your 14-day All-access Pass
for $1 only

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Upgrade Your Sex Life Now


Start discovering Sexfulness for the price of a coffee ☕
Also, you get a 7 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked

Start discovering Sexfulness for the price of a coffee ☕
Also, you get a 7 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked

Just check out what the Elixir courses have already done for our members…

See More Reviews

Sexfulness is the choice to make your sex life awesome



Sex therapists and counselors are expensive ($300-500 per session!) and you don’t get much time and information out of it anyway. Plus, you never know if they are truly qualified to help you.


Other courses are full of outdated information that’s not based on science, or they focus on healing and meditation instead of practical techniques to become a better lover.


Books are theoretical and can’t really show you techniques in action, making it harder to get value out of it. When it comes to sex, an image really is worth a thousand words!

With Sexfulness you get over 175+ bite-sized videos about sex psychology, techniques, and tricks about everything sex.
And new courses get released every month!

Take a sneak peek at our members’ favorite courses

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Oral sex - how to give him unforgettable blowjobs?

23 Lessons (2h 35m)

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How to arouse her desire for sex with you and How to turn her on?

19 Lessons (2h 5m)

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Sleeping Beauty - how to awaken a woman's orgasm?

17 Lessons (2h 5m)

See The Full Course List

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Upgrade Your Sex Life Now


Start discovering Sexfulness for the price of a coffee ☕
Also, you get a 7 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked

Start discovering Sexfulness for the price of a coffee ☕
Also, you get a 7 days money-back guarantee, no questions asked

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